Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Insomniaaaaa, self help?

Welp... I don't think this is the first time I've posted in the middle of the night complaining about insomnia, but yeah, I guess this shit sucks.
It seriously doesn't help that my cycling has drastically reduced, and therefore my lifestyle for the last month or two has become extremely sedate. I was somewhat reliant on having a good draining cardio sport to make me tired enough to sleep, but yeah.........

Perhaps I should go bouldering during the weekday evenings?

Anyhow, while I have like hours to burn. I might as well take this chance to quickly reflect on something I came across on Reddit that has helped me immensely.

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This was posted in response to a person losing the motivation to live life to it's fullest. It focuses on helping oneself by following the 4 rules outlined by the picture above:

  1. No more zero days
  2. Forgive oneself
  3. The three you's (or me's!)
  4. Exercise and books (doesn't flow as well as the other 3 points haha).
I now try to ensure that everyday, I update myself on a list of things I need to do, whether it is something like chores, or if it's for my health or something. Doing a tiny bit of something is better than nothing. With a list, I know that I will have to complete them if they are important, so with this, I try to ensure that I do something that will go towards shrinking the list everyday.

Forgiving myself is still something I sometimes have trouble with. It's quite easy to go "why didn't I do that earlier you idiot!", and my life seems to be full of these moments, but I need to carry on and forget about the mistakes I've made, and focus on The Three Me's.

The concept of the three me's (or you's) is probably one that should be taught to everyone from a younger age. Or maybe that's just a waste of time, I dunno. Basically, you forgive your past self for something that has happened, apply the first rule of no more zero days so that future you will be grateful!=D This has helped me have a more sustainable feel of motivation when it comes to fitness, as well as helping me juggle work/life commitments/play. I've not perfected it yet, but it'll take time I guess...

Exercise is something I'm getting plenty of now compared to maybe 4-5 years ago. Now with bouldering, I'm using and building all these upper body muscles that I never knew existed! Most noticeable gainz is my upper back/shoulder muscles are getting definedddd, and my forearms are getting huge as well (compared to the rest of my body anyway, I'm still a walking twig). I still have no gunz though, which I don't really care about. It's useable strength that matters!
I gotta read more books though. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Welp, 2nd physiotherapy session complete, my back/hip area is feeling a bit better now, but my shoulder is still super crunchy.... to the point where its pretty annoying and kinda disgusting.

Anyway, I'll be getting back on the turbo bike tomorrow, and SLOWLY easing it in.

OHHH also, I might be joint buying a Mazda MX5 MK1, so if that happens I might start blogging a bit on here as well. No promises though!

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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Blog revival?

Welp. It has been years since I've looked at this, but it feels like a good time to start it up again.
What's been gwanin'? Finished uni (don't know when), worked in a chippy, worked in a Japanese restaurant, currently working in a small accountancy firm.

A lot of things changed since back then. Things I have realised. I think I've just started to learn to compromise. Especially when I've been going down a path where I just wasn't happy about where I was.
Cycling as a sport has helped me in a lot of ways in learning and developing myself. But I have realised that it has also reinforced that non-compromising behaviour, where everything on the bicycle can be upgraded, improved, made lighter. Compromise, and the competition around you will leave you to dust.

Or so I thought. I've started to try and compromise recently and trying to made do with what I have instead (which is way more than enough). Instead of finding excuses in my equipment, I've found that just baring with it has allowed me to succeed in ways I would have never imagined a few years ago. I did a few months of track cycling on my fixie bike with just trainers and pedal straps, and somehow progressed to a point where I'm keeping up with some of the fastest guys from Kings and UCL that are supposed to be far superior in the discipline than me (on paper).

This new found gung ho attitude has kinda been my downfall for this year though. I pulled my left gluteus medius over the Christmas holidays, which is a key stabilising muscle in cycling. Without it, a cyclist can't really put out any power. A few weeks later, I went to a house party and met some guys that invited me to bouldering. I had already done a few sessions around a year ago, so I thought "why not". Since then, I have probably done a month and a half of it and I intend to keep it up in the long term to build up dem gunz.

Bouldering is pretty liberating compared to cycling. There's no need to for crazy amounts of equipment. No need to spend 30 minutes of kitting up and stocking up on food, prepping drinks etc.
Instead, I turn up at Bermondsey, pay, change my jeans to some shorts or trackies and climbing shoes, chalk up and climb!

Even though I have found a new sport to fill in the forced cycling hiatus, it still feels like a fill in.

I still miss the masochistic nature of cycling... =(