Sunday, 11 October 2009

Broken: 1

He was in his room, a day after his birthday.
He is only two, and his auntie bought him a large buildable toy.

But how was he supposed to build it by himself?
He trod downstairs, asking his mother for help.

His mother was actually watching TV, but snapped at him anyway,
saying that she was busy, and telling him to build it himself.

Confused, he walked back up, and went into his room.
He tries to build the toy without any help,

but only manages to get the base out of the box.

By now, he has started to feel lonely,
and walks to the corner of the room where all his stuffed toys are.

He hugs his favorite one, a large teddy bear the size of him or maybe larger,
but it did not hug back.

"Why don't you hug back?" Thought the boy.
Looking into it's eyes, all he can see is the black shine of the plastic that had a mocking glint.

He is too young to know, but he is not stupid.
Even he knows that something is not right.

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