Saturday 31 October 2009


The words FML is utterly pointless....
How do you know that your life is bad enough to express your rage or dismay in such a way?
No matter if it is your friends, or just other people in the world
Remember that someone will always have it much much worse than you,
And you should count yourself lucky that it is not as bad as it can be.

And note, I am not talking about myself. I have had my incidents, but I am grateful that it is not as bad as some other people.

Friday 30 October 2009


half term is almost over... and the week has gone in a flash =/
yet again, i have wasted hours in front of the computer...
and although i have been out a few times,
i dont think i can ever have enough....


after calming down...
i realised how it has always been like this...
no idea why... but i guess im sedated for now...

Wednesday 28 October 2009


Not exactly sure what to expect tomorrow....
Apart from the fact that there is going to be a lot of drinking.

To be honest with you, too many people just do not see the fine white line these days...
Perhaps im being too traditional, who knows,
but maybe society has changed.

Monday 26 October 2009


I'm confused about whether or not I should go to skiing for christmas or not.....

If i don't go, i will end up playing games, but hopefully get to someone's house by car
but thats if i pass my practical before christmas xD

If i do go, ill be.... skiing?xD
Well i'll probably learn how to snowboard actually.... but still =/

Choices choices choices...


woke up in a good mood.... and going to bed in a deep worry....
life is a bloody relentless cycle...

Saturday 24 October 2009


The MCM expo was really good... that comes to.... 3-4 visits to the exhibition in total?
i know it should have gotten pointless by now, but the strengh of the venue has caused it to change dramatically, from an event that was quite small into a goliath of a gathering...

The community that the expo was made out of reminded me that we are all equals in this world....
The fact that no matter what interests you have, whether it is anime or si-fi films,
They and we are never judged upon.

Friday 23 October 2009


What is trust?
I personally don't believe in trust... as it exists only to reassure a person...
Because can you really say you completely trust someone?
Expect someone to completely cover you, no matter what happens?
What if someone had the choice between ending their own life, or your own,
How can you trust that person to do the right thing?

Trust is only another way of saying chance.
You are taking a chance in leaving something to a person.
You are leaving it to chance for a friend to do what you said.
In the end, one of the things that keeps a friendship together is chance, not trust.

As nothing is guaranteed in this world... Nothing.

Thursday 22 October 2009


i dunno.... ive just realised how people have still been nice to me,
even when ive been quite withdrawn lately....
hope i start to break out of my shell when it comes to half term.


I personally think that human's biggest downfall is self pride...
I have seen countless people consumed by it...
Both family and friends, and strangers....
Perhaps i have been consumed by it too...

What does it mean when i type all these thoughts down?
Am i also too concerned about my pride?
I don't think i have any pride to begin with...
Plenty of people have crushed my self confidence,
And my pride followed with it...


We should always try to make way for other people...
even if they do not know it,
it would probably turn into a good thing....

I wondered, what is a business?
Isn't it just a trade of bits of paper and metal,
Digits in an electronic account?
What makes the electronic records real?

Isn't it just a trade of greed?
Where the rich can only be corrupted,
And the poor get poorer?

Wednesday 21 October 2009


Hearing people out really does widen your perspective...
try this,
if someone does have a problem, why not sit down and listen to them?
it really does help that person, and it can help you.


"Don't sweat the small stuff, bad shit happens, but good shit will always be around the corner to balance it out. The universe tends to unfold as it should, so you just make the best of what you're given, and I was given a lot."

Sunday 18 October 2009


Long day.... didnt get to go out....
not good...

EDIT: ended up going dinner, was pretty good actually.....
if only i was as carefree as the little guy....

Saturday 17 October 2009


Enjoy your personal happiness while it lasts....
And let nothing stop you from enjoying your day.

As a hypocrite,
I strain to keep myself sane from the chaos that is reeking from my mind...

Friday 16 October 2009


I sometimes wonder why people fight....
The lust for power will be the cause of mankind's destruction...
And the selfishness of humans will tear us apart...

Simplicity has always been mankind's strengh...
Little or no error can be made through simple means...
But society today is something that is too complex,
And with complications, small mistakes will be made,
And within these small mistakes, something far worse will emerge...

But for now, it is only the matter of time...
Time to reminisce in our so called peace,
Before our time is up...

Thursday 15 October 2009


No one is innocent...
But the only way we can carry on,
Is to lie to ourselves,
That we are innocent,
That we have no sinned,
And that everyone else is innocent...

Or else, we shall never forgive...

Wednesday 14 October 2009

No.17: ha...

Man... my dad is going to factory reset the computer.....AGAIN
he is going to do it on XP tho, so i wouldnt mind the performance boost ^^

Monday 12 October 2009

N0.15: HOLY.....

Insane..... I would love to live my life like that, without a care in the world,
while everything rushes past at 230MPH...

Sunday 11 October 2009

No.13: Sunday

Peace should be the priority before pride...
As pride corrupts us...
Pride provokes us...
And Pride destroys us...

Broken: 1

He was in his room, a day after his birthday.
He is only two, and his auntie bought him a large buildable toy.

But how was he supposed to build it by himself?
He trod downstairs, asking his mother for help.

His mother was actually watching TV, but snapped at him anyway,
saying that she was busy, and telling him to build it himself.

Confused, he walked back up, and went into his room.
He tries to build the toy without any help,

but only manages to get the base out of the box.

By now, he has started to feel lonely,
and walks to the corner of the room where all his stuffed toys are.

He hugs his favorite one, a large teddy bear the size of him or maybe larger,
but it did not hug back.

"Why don't you hug back?" Thought the boy.
Looking into it's eyes, all he can see is the black shine of the plastic that had a mocking glint.

He is too young to know, but he is not stupid.
Even he knows that something is not right.

Saturday 10 October 2009

No.12: Testing windows sidebar gadget, the Blogger Buddy!

'Peace will not walk to you'

'You must both walk towards one another.'

Man, one technical fault after another.... bloody relentless ><" ive ended up deleting my graphics driver, so i cant really play any games.... thank god i got a huge processor and alot of RAM, or i wouldnt even be able to stream videos on youtube =/
or even post on this blog xDD

No.11: Finally... Back to normal...

I sometimes wonder why people create things that destroy...

Nothing going on much today, I pretty much restored my computer to it's original state, so its all good.
Perhaps I need to go out more. Just perhaps...
Other than restoring my computer, revising theory for my driving....
I really need to learn to drive before Christmas... I keep saying it again and again, but I am not willing to spend my Christmas by myself...

No.10: Never, Ever, Try That Again...

right, a few minutes after post No.9, i screwed up my computer.......
had to save my essential files, reformat, and reinstall all the base programs....

LESSON: Never ever trust files with no/little comments.......

Friday 9 October 2009

No.9: Browse Megaupload


No.8: ...

urgh..... more work.... when will this end?
cant wait till the weekends.... i got work to catch up on, as well as other things....

EDIT: well school is over for the week... i guess all i can do is try to catch up on work
and chill out xD
im running out of things to say...

Thursday 8 October 2009

No.6: Choice.

We are who we are, through the selection called choice.
We choose what we like, what we dislike,
What we accept, and what we believe,
And in the end, it comes down to the time we make the choices.

The choices we make, makes us who we are, and what defines our personalities.
It is what makes us individuals.

No.5: Brightened up have we...

Thank F*** i got through that role play crap..... it was horrible T__T
basically i was grouped into a team of 4 in my ICT class... and we had to do a roleplay......
didn't write the script, and the script was quite bad...... and had a week to organise it.

...which I didn't do.
today was the day..... and man, that was horrible T_T"

Found out that i might be able to get all my driving stuff done before Christmas....
that would be useful, because i dont want to get stuck home alone on Christmas Day...

Wednesday 7 October 2009

No.3: MORE Business...

doing more business... i really cant be arsed... i need to do other homework ><" i wish people were more talkative as well... but thats kinda hard.... school has brainwashed our minds.... i figured that since i got so many pictures on my computer, ill post one a day to brighten the page up....

No.2: Business....

urgh..... payback.... ARR... NPV....
screw this crap T__T"

oh my fucking tits i want this game!!! i swear to god if i dont get a pre-paid for my birthday im going to buy a cheap prostitute and get some kind of STD in rebellion to my parents"

right..... thats abit extreme for a game......O_o"
just wondering.. why would you BUY a prostitute?

No.1: Get F***ed Sideways.

first of all, you may be wondering why the random picture....
i love cars, any cars that are Japanese. i also love drifting xD
ive been following a lot of car blogs, and i came across the S14 and S15....
theyre drifting so close, the sideskirts are touching each other.

Why drifting? its just something so wrong, that it makes it jaw-dropping to witness....
but yea, i like alot of other stuff, so i wont just be posting stuff about cars xD

for now, im in a nice mood.... (lol at cruddy last comment)

EDIT: just realised how eye-catching the picture is....

Tuesday 6 October 2009


right... i just figured id do this for the hell of it....
its nice to share things to the world i guess xD